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Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management

Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management Soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, are an enigma to scientists, managers, and shellfish harvesters in southeastern Massachusetts and throughout the bivalve’s range. One year, clams may settle in very dense concentrations, while, the following year, there may be no soft-shell clam recruitment at the…

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Salmon Background Historically, Atlantic salmon were plentiful in the Northeast U.S. However, they are currently at 1-5% of those historical estimates and consequently are listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). As anadromous fish, Atlantic salmon face many challenges during their initial hatching and two years in freshwater nursery rivers; journey through the estuaries and…

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1998-2000 Projects

Dynamics of the Toxic Dinoflagellate, Alexandrium, in the Gulf of Maine: Source Populations and Downstream Impacts Donald M. Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Jefferson T. Turner, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth Toxic algal blooms or “red tides” can cause serious health and economic problems, including Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP), which occurs when shellfish, zooplankton,…

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