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June 2018 Newsletter

Coastal Impacts Woods Hole Sea Grant Newsletter June 2018 From the Director With the summer upon us, many locals and frequent visitors to the Cape will be returning to their favorite beaches to find them quite different than last year. Perhaps there are fewer parking spaces or the beach access has been relocated. The past…

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2006-2008 Projects

Seasonal Changes in Groundwater Flow Into the Coastal Ocean Fresh water from water tables under the land flows out into the coastal ocean from beneath the seabed, a flow known as submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Researchers have found that such flow can have a very large impact on estuaries. Groundwater carries land-generated nitrogen compounds, plus…

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Suggested Educational Resources For Use During School Closures

Educational resources used during school closures Woods Hole Sea Grant is pleased to be able to provide this list of educational resources to assist families and teachers with ideas and on-line programming for use during the unique school situations in response to COVID-19. IMPORTANT: Please check with state and/or local officials for the latest information…

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On the Selection of Aquaculture Species: A Case Study of Marine Molluscs

On the Selection of Aquaculture Species: A Case Study of Marine Molluscs Mann, R. Aquaculture, Vol. 39, pp. 345-353, 1984 WHOI-R-84-004 An overview of marine mollusc culture in the Pacific Ocean reveals a rich variety of species in culture, physical environments where culture is effected, and technological, social, and economic backgrounds of participating individuals. Despite…

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