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Bivalve Mollusc Hatcheries: A Critical Appraisal of their Development and a Review of their Potential Value in Enhancing the Fisheries of Developing Nations

Bivalve Mollusc Hatcheries: A Critical Appraisal of their Development and a Review of their Potential Value in Enhancing the Fisheries of Developing Nations Mann, R. Memorias de la Asociation Latinoamerica de Acuicultura, A.L.A., Vol. 5, pp. 97-105, 1983 WHOI-R-83-023 This paper reviews the historical development of marine bivalve mollusc culture and emphasizes hatchery development. A…

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Bulletin: Coastal Dune Protection & Restoration

Bulletin: Coastal Dune Protection & Restoration This bulletin addresses restoration of the dynamic frontal coastal sand dune system with sand fencing and ‘Cape’ American beachgrass. Other typical Northeast area dune plants, such as Rosa Rugosa, Bayberry, and Beach Plum occupy more stable secondary and backdune areas.

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2004-2006 Projects

Environmental Contaminants and Fish Reproduction Not if, but how? That is the question WHOI postdoctoral investigator Joanna Wilson is asking about how certain environmental contaminants effect marine and freshwater fish reproduction. By applying new research tools—advanced mass spectrometry and proteomics—Wilson and her former graduate advisor, John Stegeman, a WHOI senior scientist, will measure proteins associated…

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