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Historic Shipwreck Management: Meeting of Experts

Historic Shipwreck Management: Meeting of Experts Hoagland, P. 23 pp., 1992, $3.00 WHOI-W-92-001 There has been spectacular growth in the demand for and resource value of submerged cultural resources such as historic shipwrecks. The pace at which technology is providing access to submerged cultural resources appears to have outstripped institutional abilities to ensure resource conservation.…

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Recent Global Sea Levels and Land Levels

Recent Global Sea Levels and Land Levels Aubrey, D.G. and K.O. Emery In: Warrick, R.A., E.M. Barrow, and T.M.L. Wigley (eds.), Climate and Sea Level Change: Observations, Projections and Implications, Proceedings Climate Change Workshop, Norwich, U.K. Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-56, 1993 WHOI-R-93-015

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