Research Funding Opportunities
WHOI Sea Grant Program Funding Opportunities
General Program Development Funds - OPEN
Small projects focused on:
- Research or proof-of-concept;
- Diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ);
- Extension, education, communications;
- Travel;
- Graduate student support;
- Workshops or conferences.
WHOI Sea Grant Biennial Request for Proposals - Closed
Depending on availability of funds, WHOI Sea Grant expects to award approximately $1,000,000 to support 4-6 research projects during the two-year funding period.
» Click here for details.
Regional Funding Opportunities
New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium (NJSGC) in conjunction with The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, has released a Request for Proposals (RFP). This research-grant based RFP, funded through the state’s Offshore Wind Research & Monitoring Initiative (RMI), promotes regional research and monitoring efforts to assess the impacts of offshore wind development on coastal and marine resources during the pre-construction, construction, operation, and decommissioning phases. Please see the full Request for Proposal here.
The goal of this funding is to execute a robust Research and Monitoring Initiative to support the responsible implementation of offshore wind energy in the waters off New Jersey’s coastline. The Initiative employs the best available science and is consistent with mandates to protect and responsibly manage New Jersey’s marine and coastal resources.
With this solicitation, the RMI seeks to award funding for projects in the following focus areas:
- Non-extractive methods for surveying wildlife and habitat ($500,000)
- Technological innovations in data collection, analysis, and management ($500,000)
- Fishery sustainability and socioeconomic impacts of offshore wind activities ($750,000)
- Identifying and reducing offshore wind noise impacts on marine wildlife ($750,000)
- Characterization of benthic ecosystems and primary productivity ($1,000,000)
- Assessing bird and bat abundance, migration patterns, and risk exposure associated with offshore wind ($500,000)
- Proposals that address other high priority research needs identified by the RMI. These high priority research needs include projects on data management, environmental change, benthic systems, birds, bats, fish and invertebrates, sea turtles, marine mammals, and fisheries ($750,000)
Applicants should contact New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium by August 28, 2024 by 5pm EST with their intention to submit a proposal by sending a Letter of Intent to Julie Lang at Please contact Dr. Peter Rowe at with any questions or concerns.
The Northeast Sea Grant Consortium, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center is seeking proposals to improve understanding of fishing community interactions with offshore wind development in the U.S. Northeast from the New York Bight through the Gulf of Maine.
This funding partnership builds on successes from research funding awarded in 2022. The current opportunity will continue to advance a regional approach and seeks to enhance existing and catalyze new human dimensions research relevant to the priorities outlined in the request for proposals.
The funding opportunity focuses on advancing social, cultural, historical, and economic research to inform communities, developers, and other decision-makers. Proposals that utilize qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches from across the social sciences and humanities are encouraged. Approximately $1 million will be available to support projects in three topical research areas: Offshore Wind Development Planning and Engagement, Understanding Fisheries and Offshore Wind Development Interactions, Monitoring of Offshore Wind Development and Fisheries Interactions.
National Funding Opportunities
FY 2024 American Lobster Research Funding Opportunity - CLOSED
Subject to the availability of funding, Sea Grant anticipates approximately $2,000,000 in FY2024 federal funds will be available to eligible applicants to support projects that will advance our scientific knowledge of the American Lobster fishery and support the resiliency of fishing communities in the face of environmental change and economic uncertainty.
Awards will be made for no more than approximately $600,000 in federal funds per project and may be for one or two years with a maximum of two years.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider projects that involve partnerships among industry, State agencies, academia, and other community members engaged in the research priorities they intend to investigate.
» Learn more about the opportunity and read the full Notice of Funding Opportunity.
FY 2024 Young Fishermen's Career Development Projects Competition - CLOSED
Subject to the availability of funding, the National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) anticipates approximately $1,000,000 in FY2024 federal funds will be available to eligible applicants to support 2-3 projects that will develop and execute local, regional and national programs, workshops and services to enable fishermen to enter career paths and make a living supplying seafood from our oceans, coasts and Great Lakes.
Awards will be made for no more than approximately $400,000 in federal funds per project, and may be for one or two years though for no more than $200,000 per year.
Successful projects will create and implement trainings that include the following types of programs, workshops, and services:
- seamanship, navigation, electronics, and safety;
- vessel and engine care, maintenance, and repair;
- sustainable fishing practices;
- other training needs as identified by the community.
» Learn more about the opportunity and read the full Notice of Funding Opportunity.