2020 American Lobster Research Program Funding Opportunity Now Open
This program will support research to address critical gaps in knowledge about how the
American Lobster and its fishery is being impacted by environmental change. It is informed by
listening sessions with regional fishing industry stakeholders, state and federal fisheries
managers, and university, state and federal fisheries researchers.
Research topics suitable for study on American lobster under this Notice of Funding Opportunity
(NOFO) should have a geographic focus on the Gulf of Maine, Georges Banks, and/or southern
New England and address one or more of the following: (1) Increased understanding of life
history parameters, including but not limited to, growth, maturity, and species interactions; (2)
Larval ecology and early biology; (3) Spatial distribution and migration, including but not
limited to, habitat and trophic interactions; and/or (4) socio-ecological investigations to inform
future management decisions, including but not limited to, research exploring bait alternatives to
herring and their implications for the lobster fishery.
Pending appropriation of funds, Sea Grant anticipates awarding between five to ten research
projects totaling between $1 million and $2 million dollars in FY2020. Projects must have a
maximum duration of two years.
Deadline: March 19, 2020
Questions about the competition should be sent to oar.hq.sg.competitions@noaa.gov.