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Carbon Cycling in Coastal Wetlands



Dr. Anne Giblin, Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) Senior Scientist - Rising Seas and the Fate of Coastal Salt Marshes


Dr. Meagan Eagle Gonneea, U.S. Geological Survey Research Scientist - Blue Carbon in Our Backyard: Coastal Wetlands, Climate, Management, and Markets


Date: October 2019


Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities


Background and Resources


Deeper Exploration:  Meagan Eagle Gonneea and Anne Giblin/ Papers in Scientific Journals




Workshop Agenda

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2019

8:45-9:15 Arrive at WBNERR

Breakfast: pastries, coffee, juice, water

9:15-9:30 -- Introduction to WHOI, WHSG, and WBNERR - Grace Simpkins, WHSG (WHOI) Education Specialist and Joan Muller, WBNERR Education Coordinator

9:30-10:30 -- "Rising Seas and the Fate of Coastal Salt Marshes" by Dr. Anne Giblin, Marine Biological Laboratory

10:30-10:45 -- Break

10:45-11:45 -- "Blue Carbon in Our Backyard: Coastal Wetlands, Climate, Management and Markets" by Dr. Meagan Eagle Gonneea, U.S. Geological Survey

Approx. 11:45 – 12:50 -- LUNCH

12:50-1:10 -- Split into 2 groups and proceed to afternoon sessions

1:10-2:10 -- Afternoon session 1:  Explore the salt marsh at South Cape Beach with Meagan Eagle Gonneea OR Sample activities from the "Bringing Wetlands to Market" curriculum with Joan Muller

2:10-2:30 -- Groups will swap locations

2:30-3:30 -- Afternoon session 2:  Salt Marsh or Curriculum

3:30-4 -- Final questions, debrief, receive PD certificates and head home