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Understanding the Rewilding of Cape Cod: Creating a curriculum for middle school learners

Principal Investigators

Marianne Long Walsh, Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

Megan Winton, Atlantic White Shark Conservancy


The PIs will develop a middle school level curriculum focused on the white shark - grey seal relationship and the associated controversy on Cape Cod.  The curriculum will be informed by research scientists, teachers, and curriculum coordinators who will help develop and provide feedback on the lessons, activities and resources. The curriculum will be shared with teachers in the Cape Cod area through workshops and in-school visits. The curriculum aims to give students science-based facts and figures and enable them to develop a reasoned understanding of and engagement with the issue.


See curriculum and at-home lessons on the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy website.


Project Information

Started: February 2020
Funded under: NOAA Sea Grant biennial call for proposals

Relevant Links

Atlantic White Shark Conservancy