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The Conservation and Disposal of Ocean Hard Minerals: A Comparison of Ocean Mining Codes in the United States
The Conservation and Disposal of Ocean Hard Minerals: A Comparison of Ocean Mining Codes in the United States Hoagland, P. Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 28, pp. 451-508, 1988 WHOI-R-88-024
Read MoreWHOI-E-96-001 Crago, T.I. Marine Science Car
WHOI-E-96-001 Crago, T.I. Marine Science Car
Read MoreMarine Nonfuel Minerals in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: Managing Information as a Resource
Marine Nonfuel Minerals in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: Managing Information as a Resource Broadus, J.M. and P. Hoagland Ocean and Shoreline Management, Vol. 13, No. 3 & 4, pp. 275-294, 1990 WHOI-R-90-023
Read MoreHydrodynamical Modeling of a Multiple-inlet Estuary/Barrier System: Insight into Tidal Inlet Formation and Stability
Hydrodynamical Modeling of a Multiple-inlet Estuary/Barrier System: Insight into Tidal Inlet Formation and Stability Friedrichs, C.T., D.G. Aubrey, G.S. Giese, and P.E. Speer In: Aubrey, D.G. and G.S. Giese (eds.), Formation and Evolution of Multiple Tidal Inlets, Coastal and Estuarine Studies, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., Vol. 44, pp. 95-112, 1993 WHOI-R-93-010
Read MoreEvaluating the Economic Significance of Polymetallic Sulfides Deposits
Evaluating the Economic Significance of Polymetallic Sulfides Deposits Broadus, J.M. and R.E. Bowen 15th Annual Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas, May 2-4, 1983, pp. 419-426, 1983 WHOI-R-83-010
Read MoreMultiattribute Analysis and the Concept of Optimum Yield
Multiattribute Analysis and the Concept of Optimum Yield Healey, M.C. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Vol. 41, pp. 1393-1406, 1984 WHOI-R-84-014
Read MoreSurf Clams
Surf Clams In the marketplace, one-year-old surf clams are known as “New England Butter Clams” – a relatively new product on the market. Farming New England Butter Clams means they can be harvested at a size in which they are tender, buttery and sweet – as well as easy and versatile to prepare. This results…
Read MoreHistoric Shipwreck Management: Meeting of Experts II
Historic Shipwreck Management: Meeting of Experts II Hoagland, P. 51 pp., 1993, $3.00 WHOI-T-93-002
Read MoreThe Introduction of Limited Entry: The New Zealand Rock Lobster Fishery
The Introduction of Limited Entry: The New Zealand Rock Lobster Fishery Annala, J.H. Marine Policy, pp. 103-108, 1983 WHOI-R-83-022 The rock lobster fishery has traditionally been New Zealand’s single most important domestic fishery in terms of the number of vessels and fishermen employed and the value of landings and exports. This paper describes the implementation…
Read MoreCyclical Behavior of the Tidal Inlet at Nauset Beach, Chatham, Massachusetts
Cyclical Behavior of the Tidal Inlet at Nauset Beach, Chatham, Massachusetts Giese, G.S. In: Aubrey, D.G. and L. Weishar (eds.), Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics of Tidal Inlets. Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Vol. 29, pp. 269-283, 1988 WHOI-R-88-025 Study of historical data concerning shoreline forms and change on southeastern…
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