Sediment Processes
Transport of Trace Metals in Nearshore Sediments
Transport of Trace Metals in Nearshore Sediments Only available on loan from the National Sea Grant Library Martin, W.R. Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography and Oceanographic Engineering, 302 pp., 1985 WHOI-X-85-001
Read MoreTheoretical and Observational Estimates of Nearshore Bedload Transport Rates
Theoretical and Observational Estimates of Nearshore Bedload Transport Rates Goud, M.R. and D.G. Aubrey Marine Geology, Vol. 64, pp. 91-111, 1985 WHOI-R-85-001 Sediment transport rates in a shallow (<3 m) nearshore region are estimated using theoretical models and using bedform migration rates measured from vertical aerial photographs covering a 10-year interval. Theoretical rates based solely…
Read MoreRapid Formation and Degradation of Barrier Spits in Areas with Low Rates of Littoral Drift
Rapid Formation and Degradation of Barrier Spits in Areas with Low Rates of Littoral Drift Aubrey, D.G. and A.G. Gaines Jr. Marine Geology, Vol. 49, pp. 257-278, 1982 WHOI-R-82-018 Three possible mechanisms cause barrier spits to elongate; two are generally known, while a third is presented in this paper. The most commonly cited mechanism for…
Read MoreHolocene Sedimentation in the Shallow Nearshore Zone off Nauset Inlet, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Holocene Sedimentation in the Shallow Nearshore Zone off Nauset Inlet, Cape Cod, Massachusetts Aubrey, D.G., D.C. Twichell, and S.L. Pfirman Marine Geology, Vol. 47, pp. 243-259, 1982 WHOI-R-82-007
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