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11 Butter Clams Ptown

13. Harriet Booth places the small surf clams into the boxes. The next step is to put protective mesh netting over the top to protect them from birds, crabs, and carnivorous snails.

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9 Butter Clams Provincetown

11. Next stop – Provincetown. Shellfish farmer Alex Brown discusses the plan for planting with WHSG Marine Specialist Harriet Booth and Fisheries & Aquaculture Specialist Josh Reitsma.

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5 Butter Clams Eastham

7. Shellfish farmers Kirsten Friedrich and Craig Poosikian are also planting surf clams under nets, similar to how quahogs are grown.

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3 Butter Clams Eastham

The surf clam seed is planted in the sediment in the square boxes closest to the ground. Some boxes contain the Atlantic surf clams and some the Southern surf clams. The other gear is for growing oysters.

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