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I. The water quality is measured by collecting samples in bottles, filtering out sediment, and bringing the samples back to the lab for analysis. The things being measured are salinity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, nutrients, and the species of phytoplankton present.

The water quality is measured by collecting samples in bottles, filtering out sediment, and bringing the samples back to the lab for analysis. The things being measured are salinity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, nutrients, and the species of phytoplankton present.

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D. To test this, oysters and quahogs were grown in 5 sites from the northern most location at Princes Cove where there are high nutrients and low dissolved oxygen, to a site off of Oregon Beach where water quality improves because of flushing with Nantucket Sound waters.

To test this, oysters and quahogs were grown in 5 sites from the northern most location at Princes Cove where there are high nutrients and low dissolved oxygen, to a site off of Oregon Beach where water quality improves because of flushing with Nantucket Sound waters.

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C. The question that Woods Hole Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension wants to answer is – will oysters and quahogs exposed to varying acidic conditions in their natural environment also have differences in growth or survival? Or will other conditions in the environment like the amount of food available, balance out the effects of acidic water?

The question that Woods Hole Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension wants to answer is – will oysters and quahogs exposed to varying acidic conditions in their natural environment also have differences in growth or survival? Or will other conditions in the environment like the amount of food available, balance out the effects of acidic water?

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