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Conversation Series Highlights WHOI Sea Grant Research Program

This spring, WHOI Sea Grant kicked off a new "Conversation Series" to showcase the work done through our funded research program.  Organized by Research Coordinator Jennie Rheuban and Communications Specialist Poonam Narotam, the informal presentations engage audiences in topical discussions and launched in May at local Falmouth micro-brew, Aquatic Brewing, with UMass Amherst scientists Adrian Jordaan and Andy Danylchuk reeling the audience in with stories of navigating river herring and striped bass research.  In July, we returned to Aquatic with our two MA Graduate Research Fellows Sarah Guitart and Nicole Vandale who spoke about their studies of terns and plastics, respectively.

Don't miss the next conversation, which will be held at Aqautic Brewing on September 18.  Sign up to receive news with all the details!

Sarah Guitar explains her study of terns at the WHOI Sea Grant Conversation Series.
Cape Codders learn about local science over a beer.
Event organizers, Jennie Rheuban and Poonam Narotam pose with UMass Amherst scientists Adrian Jordaan and Andy Danylchuk.
Organizers, Jennie Rheuban (middle left) and Poonam Narotam (middle right) with Adrian Jordaan and Andy Danylchuk.
Dr. Andy Danylchuk uses a plush striped bass to explain his research.