2012-2014 Projects
Mechanisms for Success and Potential Impacts of an Invasive Seaweed Heterosiphonia japonica in New England Coastal Waters
M. Bracken and C. Thornber
Quantifying the Impact of Low Oxygen Conditions on Sediment Methane Fluxes in Waquoit Bay.
R.W. Fulweiler
Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Biological Sounds and Ambient Noise Levels at the Proposed Cape Wind Site
T.A. Mooney, L. Sayigh, P. Tyack, A. Bocconcelli, D. Nowacek
Shifts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Productivity of Coastal Wetlands in Response to Anthropogenic N Loading and Rising Sea Level
S. Moseman-Valtierra, J. Tang, K.D. Kroeger
Reconciling Distributional Patterns with Foraging Processes in an Ecological Hotspot: Aggregation of Humpback Whales, Prey Abudance and Distribution, and the Shoaling of Non-Linear Internal Waves.
J. Pineda, K. Helfrich, V. Starczak, J. da Silva, D. Wiley
It’s Noisy Out There! Using Dolphins and Whales to Teach Students about Humans Influence Coastal Ecosystems
L. Sayigh, M.C. Curran