Valuation of Ecosystem Benefits of Living Shorelines
Principal Investigator
Di Jin, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Co-Principal Investigators
Porter Hoagland, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Hauke Kite-Powell, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
With environmental change and rising sea levels, coastal communities are developing strategies to protect and stabilize their shorelines using natural materials. This ‘living shoreline’ concept may be more costly than traditional methods, but can provide added benefits in terms of ecosystem services. Three researchers from the WHOI Marine Policy Center will develop a framework for an effective and 'rapid' assessment for living shoreline designs and their ecosystem benefits. Their results will give coastal communities a decision-making tool to evaluate these new designs and compare them with traditional shoreline protection techniques.
Project Information
Started: February 2018
Funded under: Biennial Request for Proposals
Relevant Links
Marine Policy Center at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution