WHOI Sea Grant Biennial Request for Proposals
Funding Cycle: February 1, 2026 –January 31, 2028
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant (WHOI Sea Grant) requests proposals for two-year projects from investigators at academic, research and educational institutions throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Funded projects will fill information gaps or provide innovative solutions to pressing coastal issues in Massachusetts.
Important dates
- Pre-proposal deadline: Friday, January 24, 2025, 4:30 pm Eastern Time
- Full proposal deadline: Monday, April 28, 2025, 4:30 pm Eastern Time
* Note: Only those who submitted pre-proposals may submit full proposals.
Anticipated funding
Depending on availability of funds, approximately $1 million will be available to support 4-6 research projects during the two-year funding period. Sea Grant proposals require a match of $1 of non-federal funds for every $2 of federal funds requested.
Lead Principal Investigators for proposed projects must be staff or faculty at any public or private research or higher educational institution within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Investigators that do not submit a pre-proposal are not eligible to submit a full proposal. Proposed research must occur primarily within Massachusetts and/or Massachusetts state waters and adjacent federal waters. See RFP for full eligibility requirements.
Program and Focus Area Priorities
For the 2026-2027 research competition, WHOI Sea Grant solicits proposals that directly address the one or more of the focus areas and program goals described in WHOI Sea Grant's Strategic Plan. Priority research topics associated with management challenges faced by Massachusetts communities are listed in bullet form below, although research projects on other emerging themes that fit the focus areas are also welcome.
Priority research topics
Healthy Coastal Ecosystems
- Impacts of climate change induced shifts in precipitation on coastal watershed processes
- Nutrient management and remediation strategies for the benefit of or to improve coastal water quality
- Identifying culturally sensitive mechanisms or technologies to facilitate or incentivize ecosystem conservation and restoration
- Interactions between climate change, coastal water quality, and ecosystem response to eutrophication
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Diversifying and expanding aquaculture, fisheries, and shellfish restoration opportunities
- Hazards assessment or technology development that fosters expansion of sustainable aquaculture or fishery practices to minimize human health risks
- Resiliency of commercial or recreational (shell)fisheries and/or aquaculture to: 1) changes in market conditions; and/or 2) stressors such as climate change, water quality, or fishing effort
Resilient Communities and Economies
- Resiliency of and adaptation strategies for coastal infrastructure with respect to flooding and/or sea level rise
- Exploring economic feasibility and/or social acceptance of adaptation methods, e.g. managed retreat, to coastal hazards
- Coastal wetlands: factors affecting their resilience, ecosystem service valuation, and/or facilitating adaptation to climate change related impacts
- Factors affecting coastal erosion and/or green infrastructure as a mitigation solution
Cross-cutting themes
The following cross-cutting themes will also be considered:
- Climate Change
- Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development
Jennie Rheuban, Research Coordinator