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Fish ecology in the Atlantic, from the tropics to New England:  How studying fish diets tells about their changing ecosystems


What are the fish we eat eating?


Date: June 2015 



Dr. Joel Llopiz, WHOI Biology Department



Professional Development workshop for Teachers Grade 6-12


Classroom activities


Fish food webs


Data-using activities and lessons


Background and Resources


WHOI resources


Deeper Exploration: Joel Llopiz/ Papers in Scientific Journals


River Herring on Cape Cod


NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center resources, for background


Workshop Agenda

9-9:30 Arrive WHOI Exhibit Center

Breakfast: pastries, coffee, juice

9:40-9:50 -- Introduction to Exhibit Center, Kathy Patterson, Exhibit Center Manager

10:00-11:30 -- Presentation by Joel Llopiz, Biology Department

Approx. 11:45 – 1:15 -- LUNCH, in the Exhibit Center or outside   (includes some time to explore the Exhibit Center or walk in Woods Hole)

1:20 --  Walk from Exhibit Center to Llopiz lab

1:30-2:30 -- Afternoon session:

Llopiz lab, hands-on experience investigating fish diets