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New Extension Bulletin on Beach Raking Released

The term “Beach Raking” includes a variety of methods to remove material (e.g., litter, seaweed, rocks) from a beach. While most beach-goers appreciate a nice patch of sand devoid of cobbles and seaweed, these things come naturally to the beach and the entire coastal system requires these materials to function normally. Removal of these natural beach ingredients from the shoreline can have significant impacts to aesthetics, economics, sanitation, shoreline stability, the ecosystem, and threatened/endangered species. This new Extension Bulletin by Woods Hole Sea Grant and the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, “A Primer on Beach Raking,” describes what is typically raked off a beach and if there is any value to the coastal system. This bulletin provides an overview of the raking process as well as some general Best Management Practices for raking.

Free hard copies are currently available and can be ordered by emailing