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Administrative Discretion in the Management of Outer Continental Shelf Minerals

Administrative Discretion in the Management of Outer Continental Shelf Minerals Hoagland, P. In: Farrow. R.S. (ed.), Managing the Outer Continental Shelf Lands: Oceans of Controversy. Ocean Policy Studies, 18 pp., 1991 WHOI-R-91-003 Mineral developers face varying kinds of risks and uncertainties associated with the exploration, development, and production of minerals from a marine deposit. These…

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Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments

Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments Beaches and dunes are in constant motion, continually changing shape and shifting position in response to winds, waves, tides, relative sea level, and human activities. The most significant changes occur seasonally and following storms.

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Historic Shipwreck Management: Meeting of Experts

Historic Shipwreck Management: Meeting of Experts Hoagland, P. 23 pp., 1992, $3.00 WHOI-W-92-001 There has been spectacular growth in the demand for and resource value of submerged cultural resources such as historic shipwrecks. The pace at which technology is providing access to submerged cultural resources appears to have outstripped institutional abilities to ensure resource conservation.…

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