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Teacher Workshop November 2003
Teacher Workshop November 2003 “Right Whale Ecology at the Intersection of Science, Technology, and Conservation” Dr. Mark Baumgartner is an Assistant Scientist in the Biology department of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He studies the foraging behavior and ecology of whales, and the formation and location of the patches of plankton that whales feed on. In this…
Read MoreBioacoustics
Bioacoustics This program is a collaboration between the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center and Woods Hole Sea Grant. Background Light is very limited in the ocean habitat. Below the photic zone (the depth to which sunlight is able to penetrate) it is very dark. For marine mammals, however, this vast 3-dimensional world is far from dark. The…
Read MoreFemale Reproductive Output in the Squid Loligo pealed: Multiple Egg Clutches and Implications for a Spawning Strategy
Female Reproductive Output in the Squid Loligo pealed: Multiple Egg Clutches and Implications for a Spawning Strategy Maxwell, M.R. and R.T. Hanlon Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 199, pp. 159-170, 2000 WHOI-R-00-014
Read MoreIdentification, Functional Characterization, and Regulation of a New Cytochrome P450 Subfamily, the CYP2Ns
Identification, Functional Characterization, and Regulation of a New Cytochrome P450 Subfamily, the CYP2Ns Oleksiak, M.F., S. Wu, C. Parker, S.I. Karchner, J.J. Stegeman, and D.C. Zeldin The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 275, No. 4, pp. 2312-2321, 2000 WHOI-R-00-0
Read MoreBulletin: New Shoreline Change Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding
Bulletin: New Shoreline Change Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding Approximately 75 percent of the U.S. ocean shoreline is eroding. Massachusetts’ ocean-facing shore is no exception. A recent study of shoreline change in Massachusetts by the U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant Program, and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension reveals that approximately 68 percent,…
Read MoreAn Ethogram of Body Patterning Behavior in the Biomedically and Commercially Valuable Squid Loligo pealei off Cape Cod, Massachusetts
An Ethogram of Body Patterning Behavior in the Biomedically and Commercially Valuable Squid Loligo pealei off Cape Cod, Massachusetts Hanlon, R.T., M.R. Maxwell, N. Shashar, E.R. Loew, and K.-L. Boyle Biol. Bull., Vol. 197, pp. 49-62, 1999 WHOI-R-99-005
Read MorePerigean Spring Tides — Predicting Potential Disasters: How Tidal Information May Save You From a Coastal Crisis
Perigean Spring Tides — Predicting Potential Disasters: How Tidal Information May Save You From a Coastal Crisis Helpful to educators and students. Giese, G.S. Marine Extension Bulletin, 2 pp., 1998 WHOI-G-98-007
Read MoreMolecular Analysis of a RAPD Marker (B20) Reveals Two Microsatellites and Differential mRNA Expression in Penaeus vannamei
Molecular Analysis of a RAPD Marker (B20) Reveals Two Microsatellites and Differential mRNA Expression in Penaeus vannamei Garcia, D.K., A.K. Dhar, and A. Alcivar-Warren Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 71-83, 1996 WHOI-R-96-001
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