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Climates! It’s all in the data

Climates! It’s All in the Data             This program is a collaboration between the Cape Cod Regional STEM Network and Woods Hole Sea Grant. Summary In this 3rd grade unit, the students explore the different climate regions of the world. Not only will the students learn the differences between climate and…

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World of Water

World of Water             This program is a collaboration between the Cape Cod Regional STEM Network and Woods Hole Sea Grant. Summary In this 2nd grade unit, the students will learn about the different bodies of water found on the earth’s surface.  The students will use resources to explain that water…

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Lesson Plans and Classroom Visits

Lesson Plans and Classroom Visits Coasts, Oceans, and Stewardship Program (COAST) This program is a collaboration between the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center and WHOI Sea Grant.   WHOI Sea Grant (WHOI SG) and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) in Woods Hole, MA developed a program to create educational materials relating to key marine and…

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Coral Reef Biodiversity

Coral Reef Biodiversity:  Dive into the Species Found on a Coral Reef    This project is a collaboration between the NOAA Regional Collaboration Network and Woods Hole Sea Grant. Summary This 2nd grade, standards-based activity is meant to accompany our NOAA Live! Webinars on corals and serve as an example of how you can dive…

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The Introduction of Limited Entry: The New Zealand Rock Lobster Fishery

The Introduction of Limited Entry: The New Zealand Rock Lobster Fishery Annala, J.H. Marine Policy, pp. 103-108, 1983 WHOI-R-83-022 The rock lobster fishery has traditionally been New Zealand’s single most important domestic fishery in terms of the number of vessels and fishermen employed and the value of landings and exports. This paper describes the implementation…

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Valuation of Ecosystem Benefits of Living Shorelines

Valuation of Ecosystem Benefits of Living Shorelines Principal Investigator Di Jin, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Co-Principal Investigators Porter Hoagland, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Hauke Kite-Powell, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Summary With environmental change and rising sea levels, coastal communities are developing strategies to protect and stabilize…

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