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On the Optimal Environmental Liability Limit for Marine Oil Transport

On the Optimal Environmental Liability Limit for Marine Oil Transport Jin, D. and H.L. Kite-Powell Transportation Research Part E, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 35, pp. 77-100, 1999 WHOI-R-99-001 Recent changes in the U.S. liability regime for oil pollution damage have intensified a policy debate about environmental liability limits. This paper focuses specifically on tanker shipping…

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Options Prices for Groundwater Protection

Options Prices for Groundwater Protection Edwards, S.F. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 15, pp. 475-487, 1988 WHOI-R-88-012 This paper reports results from a contingent valuation study of households’ willingness to pay to prevent uncertain, future nitrate contamination of a portable supply of groundwater. Probability of future demand, change in the probability of future…

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