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Knauss Fellow Profile: Amanda Dwyer

Amanda Dwyer, a 2020 Knauss Fellow, might not be having the typical fellowship experience, due to COVID-19 outbreak and the need to shelter in place, but she’s not letting that stop her work as a Marine Debris Program Specialist, focusing on a new zero waste initiative for National Ocean Service (NOS) offices. The zero waste…

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June 2018 Newsletter

Coastal Impacts Woods Hole Sea Grant Newsletter June 2018 From the Director With the summer upon us, many locals and frequent visitors to the Cape will be returning to their favorite beaches to find them quite different than last year. Perhaps there are fewer parking spaces or the beach access has been relocated. The past…

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The Ocean Enterprise Concept: A National Strategy for Resource Development

The Ocean Enterprise Concept: A National Strategy for Resource Development Ross, D.A., C.E. McLain, and J.E. Dailey Sea Technology, pp. 15-20, 1989 WHOI-R-89-019 In the late 1980’s less than 1% of the annual resources consumed in the United States comes from the sea. Yet the March 1983 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Proclamation by President Ronald…

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We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us

We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us Helpful to educators and students. Hendrickson, L. and G.S. Giese In: Hornig, D. (ed.) State of the Cape 1994: Progress Toward Preservation, Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod, Orleans, MA, pp. 157-174, 1994 WHOI-R-93-008

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