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Bulletin: New Shoreline Change Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding

Bulletin: New Shoreline Change Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding Approximately 75 percent of the U.S. ocean shoreline is eroding. Massachusetts’ ocean-facing shore is no exception. A recent study of shoreline change in Massachusetts by the U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant Program, and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension reveals that approximately 68 percent,…

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Effects of Stratification by Suspended Sediments on Turbulent Shear Flows

Effects of Stratification by Suspended Sediments on Turbulent Shear Flows Villaret, C. and J.H. Trowbridge Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 96, No. C6, pp. 10659-10680, 1991 WHOI-R-91-002 Sediments suspended in turbulent flows of water over plane beds are known to influence the structure of the flows by which they are carried. Past attempts to model…

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Recent Global Sea Levels and Land Levels

Recent Global Sea Levels and Land Levels Aubrey, D.G. and K.O. Emery In: Warrick, R.A., E.M. Barrow, and T.M.L. Wigley (eds.), Climate and Sea Level Change: Observations, Projections and Implications, Proceedings Climate Change Workshop, Norwich, U.K. Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-56, 1993 WHOI-R-93-015

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