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On the Optimal Environmental Liability Limit for Marine Oil Transport

On the Optimal Environmental Liability Limit for Marine Oil Transport Jin, D. and H.L. Kite-Powell Transportation Research Part E, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 35, pp. 77-100, 1999 WHOI-R-99-001 Recent changes in the U.S. liability regime for oil pollution damage have intensified a policy debate about environmental liability limits. This paper focuses specifically on tanker shipping…

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Shellfish Diseases: Current Concerns in the Northeast: Proceedings of a Sea Grant-supported Workshop Held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on February 26, 1987

Shellfish Diseases: Current Concerns in the Northeast: Proceedings of a Sea Grant-supported Workshop Held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on February 26, 1987 Helpful to educators and students Only available on loan from the National Sea Grant Library White, A.W. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report No. WHOI-87-13, 38 pp., 1987 WHOI-W-87-001

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Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management

Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management Soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, are an enigma to scientists, managers, and shellfish harvesters in southeastern Massachusetts and throughout the bivalve’s range. One year, clams may settle in very dense concentrations, while, the following year, there may be no soft-shell clam recruitment at the…

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