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2006-2008 Projects

Seasonal Changes in Groundwater Flow Into the Coastal Ocean Fresh water from water tables under the land flows out into the coastal ocean from beneath the seabed, a flow known as submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Researchers have found that such flow can have a very large impact on estuaries. Groundwater carries land-generated nitrogen compounds, plus…

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Bivalve Mollusc Hatcheries: A Critical Appraisal of their Development and a Review of their Potential Value in Enhancing the Fisheries of Developing Nations

Bivalve Mollusc Hatcheries: A Critical Appraisal of their Development and a Review of their Potential Value in Enhancing the Fisheries of Developing Nations Mann, R. Memorias de la Asociation Latinoamerica de Acuicultura, A.L.A., Vol. 5, pp. 97-105, 1983 WHOI-R-83-023 This paper reviews the historical development of marine bivalve mollusc culture and emphasizes hatchery development. A…

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The Quantitative Description of Beach Cycles

The Quantitative Description of Beach Cycles Aubrey, D.G. and R.M. Ross Marine Geology, Vol. 69, pp. 155-170, 1985 WHOI-R-85-013 A quantitative method is developed to describe sequential changes in beach profile morphology. The method provides a uniform way to objectively discriminate energetic beach cycles, and yields a concise representation for beach modeling and prediction. It…

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Teacher Workshop: July 15, 2022- Sea Level Rise

The Perfect Storm: Exploring how sea level rise and storms intersect Presenters: Greg Berman, Coastal Processes Specialist, Woods Hole Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension  – The Science of Sea Level Rise and Storms, Presentation Slides   Shannon Hulst, Floodplain Specialist, Woods Hole Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension – Applying the Science:…

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