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The Quantitative Description of Beach Cycles

The Quantitative Description of Beach Cycles Aubrey, D.G. and R.M. Ross Marine Geology, Vol. 69, pp. 155-170, 1985 WHOI-R-85-013 A quantitative method is developed to describe sequential changes in beach profile morphology. The method provides a uniform way to objectively discriminate energetic beach cycles, and yields a concise representation for beach modeling and prediction. It…

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We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us

We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us Helpful to educators and students. Hendrickson, L. and G.S. Giese In: Hornig, D. (ed.) State of the Cape 1994: Progress Toward Preservation, Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod, Orleans, MA, pp. 157-174, 1994 WHOI-R-93-008

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Sediment Cores Hold Clues to Past Hurricanes

Sediment Cores Hold Clues to Past Climate   June 1 marked the start of the Atlantic hurricane season. After last year’s extremely active and costly hurricane season, many are asking whether ocean warming, sea-level rise, and climate disruption are signaling a new, more intense hurricane regime. Should we in the Northeast do more to prepare…

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Updrift Migration of Tidal Inlets

Updrift Migration of Tidal Inlets Aubrey, D.G. and P.E. Speer Journal of Geology, Vol. 92, pp. 531-545, 1984 WHOI-R-84-009 Migration of tidal inlets and the associated changes in adjacent barrier beaches have profound implications on both the geological evolution of inlet/estuary systems and the short-term stability of these features. Past studies have documented many instances…

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