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Webinars: NOAA Live! archive

NOAA Live! Webinars   The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Regional Collaboration Network in conjunction with Woods Hole Sea Grant and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is offering this series on Wednesdays at 4 pm ET during the 2020-2021 school year.  We are also pleased to highlight the NOAA Live! Alaska Series, sponsored by…

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Focal Points – Evaluation of Coastal Erosion Hazards: Results from a National Study and a Massachusetts Perspective

Focal Points – Evaluation of Coastal Erosion Hazards: Results from a National Study and a Massachusetts Perspective August 20010 – While it may not be surprising to learn that coastal property owners — particularly those with property located within a few hundred feet from shore — face risks from flooding, a recent study found that,…

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The Ocean Enterprise Concept: A National Strategy for Resource Development

The Ocean Enterprise Concept: A National Strategy for Resource Development Ross, D.A., C.E. McLain, and J.E. Dailey Sea Technology, pp. 15-20, 1989 WHOI-R-89-019 In the late 1980’s less than 1% of the annual resources consumed in the United States comes from the sea. Yet the March 1983 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Proclamation by President Ronald…

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