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Diseases, Pests, and Predators of Concern to New England Shellfish Growers

Diseases, Pests, and Predators of Concern to New England Shellfish Growers Walton, W. brochures, 2005 WHOI-H-05-002, 003, and 004 Also available as PDF files by clicking on the topic of interest: diseases, pests, predators If you are a shellfish grower, harvester, or resource manager, you are well aware that diseases, pests, and predators are issues…

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Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management

Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management Soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, are an enigma to scientists, managers, and shellfish harvesters in southeastern Massachusetts and throughout the bivalve’s range. One year, clams may settle in very dense concentrations, while, the following year, there may be no soft-shell clam recruitment at the…

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1990-2000 Environmental Technologies Summary

Snapshot WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in environmental technologies has resulted in the development of new tools for analyzing and interpreting the effects of toxic chemicals on the reproduction, development, and disease defenses in marine animals and for detecting the presence of harmful algal species before bloom conditions occur. Background Coastal ecosystems in southeastern Massachusetts are…

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