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Enjoying Oysters Safely in Massachusetts

Each year, millions of fresh raw oysters are consumed in Massachusetts, most of them in the warm summer months. During that time, aquaculturists in the Commonwealth take extra precautions to safeguard their harvests from the heat, include icing oysters at the time of harvest – a step that can double or triple the weight of…

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2006-2008 Projects

Seasonal Changes in Groundwater Flow Into the Coastal Ocean Fresh water from water tables under the land flows out into the coastal ocean from beneath the seabed, a flow known as submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). Researchers have found that such flow can have a very large impact on estuaries. Groundwater carries land-generated nitrogen compounds, plus…

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October 2020 Newsletter

  Coastal Impacts Woods Hole Sea Grant Newsletter OCTOBER 2020 CONTENTS Letter from the Director Woods Hole Funded Project Impacts Future of Iconic Industry in Southeastern Massachusetts WHSG Hosts Virtual “Teacher-in-Residence” Staff Assists on Crucial Model Floodplain Bylaw Update Getting To Know – Knauss Fellow Sean McNally Needs Assessment Survey Helps Program with Strategic Planning…

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The Little Fish with a Big Impact

In the Gulf of Maine, there’s a little eel-like fish not much bigger than a large pencil, that buries itself in the sand in the summer and swims up and down in the water column in the spring and fall. It’s called a sand lance and it’s incredibly important to the ecosystem of the Gulf of Maine. If you like whale watching, this little fish is the biggest reason you might or might not see a whale:

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August 2020 Coastal Impacts Newsletter

  Coastal Impacts Woods Hole Sea Grant Newsletter AUGUST 2020 CONTENTS WHSG Supports Seven Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Projects 12 Weeks, Thousands of Kids: How NOAA Live! Connected Students to Science at Home Woods Hole Sea Grant Sponsors Three for Knauss Fellowship Is There a Market for Shucked Oysters? Eat an Oyster, Support a Local…

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