The following videos are available in DVD by emailing and via YouTube as we upload them.
Oceans Alive 2008
- “Whale Detection System Help Prevent Ship Strikes” featuring John Kemp, Mooring Operation & Engineering group, WHOI
Oceans Alive 2007
DVD, 2007 WHOI-V-07-002
This DVD includes the presentations from the 2007 “Oceans Alive” lecture series. Presentations (each approx. 60 minutes) include:
“Whale Conservation Research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary” featuring David Wiley, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
“A Coastal Current in Winter: Exploring Coastal Ocean Cooling with a REMUS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ” featuring Glen Gawarkiewicz, WHOI
“Young Scientists Present: Winning Science Fair Projects” featuring students from Falmouth Academy and Falmouth High School
Coastal Landforms, Coastal Processes and Erosion Control on Cape Cod and Southern Plymouth, Massachusetts
O’Connell, J.F. (ed.)
DVD, Approximately 76 minutes, 2006 WHOI-V-07-001
Coastal Hazards in Massachusetts: Discussions with Local Legislators
O’Connell, J.F. (ed.)
DVD, Approximately 81 minutes, free, 2006 WHOI-V-06-002
Oceans Alive 2006
DVD, 2006 WHOI-V-06-001
This DVD includes the presentations from the 2006 “Oceans Alive” lecture series. Presentations (each approx. 60 minutes) include:
— “The Changing Massachusetts Coastline: How it Affects Waterfront Property Owners—and You” featuring Jim O’Connell, Woods Hole Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension
— “Freeze Frame: A Photojournalist’s Experience on an Arctic Expedition” featuring Chris Linder, WHOI
— “Young Scientists Present: Winning Science Fair Projects” featuring students from Falmouth Academy and Falmouth High School
Shellfish Aquaculture: Tools, Tips, and TechniquesWalton, W. (ed.)
DVD, Approximately 2 hours, free, 2005 WHOI-V-05-004
The Id of the Squid: Examining the Behavioral Ecology of Loligo
DVD, 2005 WHOI-V-05-001
Squid have a one-year life cycle, making them highly susceptible to overfishing. In his presentation, Roger Hanlon, senior scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory’s Marine Resources Center, discussed the potential impacts of fishing on squid mate selection, egg-laying, and even the viability of the egg capsules. Hanlon’s current research in Monterey Bay, California, shows that squid are being exploited at an unprecedented rate. With Woods Hole Sea Grant funding, Hanlon and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution engineer Ken Foote designed an innovative project using sonar to locate and map the distribution and abundance of squid eggs. Hanlon’s presentation also included exciting video footage and slides from ongoing research that could help improve management of the squid fishery.
Young Scientists Present: Winning High School Science Fair Projects—2005
DVD, 2005 WHOI-V-05-002
This video features Massachusetts high school students who won top honors in the Falmouth Academy and Falmouth High School science fairs. Speakers and project descriptions are as follows: Gillian Smith and Sara Trowbridge, both Falmouth High School seniors, examined hole placement and width on frequency in an open-air column; Neil Forrester, a freshman at Falmouth High School, looked at how Escherichia coli bacteria move in response to nutrients in their environment; Jessie Alden, a junior at Falmouth Academy, discussed the uses for excess algae (Cladophora vagabunda) in Waquoit Bay (Falmouth, Massachusetts); and Megan Starr, a junior at Falmouth Academy, discussed ozone pollution and White Pines.
DVD, 2005 WHOI-V-05-003
In this presentation, journalist Trevor Corson talks about his new book, The Secret Life of Lobsters: How Fishermen and Scientists Are Unraveling the Mysteries of Our Favorite Crustacean. Publisher’s Weekly writes, “[Corson] brings the story to life by concentrating on the lobstermen and their families who live in one Maine fishing community, Little Cranberry Island, and alternating narratives of their lives with accounts of the research of scientists…he makes it all fascinating, especially when he juxtaposes observations of human behavior and descriptions of the social life of lobsters.”
Beach and Dune Profiling: Training in the Emory & O’Emory Rod Methods
O’Connell, J.F. (ed.)
Training DVD, Approximately 48 minutes, free, 2004 WHOI-V-04-005
Young Scientists Present: Winning High School Science Fair Projects—2004
2004, WHOI-V-04-001
This video features Massachusetts high school students who won top honors in the Falmouth Academy and Falmouth High School science fairs. Speakers and project descriptions are as follows: Stephanie Pommrehn, a freshman at Falmouth Academy, provided an overview of her work on the effect of high and low sound frequencies on brine shrimp; Megan Starr, a sophomore at Falmouth Academy, discussed ozone depletion and white pines; Phoebe Poole, a senior at Falmouth High School, provided the results of her research on the host range of the endoparasitic dinoflagellate Amoebophrya; and Sarah Shepherd, a junior at Falmouth High School, discussed the effects of potential endocrine disruptors on Daphnia Magna.
Television Meteorologist Mike Wankum’s World of Weather Wisdom
2004, WHOI-V-04-002
Watch as WB56 chief meteorologist Mike Wankum provides a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to be a television meteorologist in New England. He challenges your weather knowledge using Wankum’s Weather Quiz, a nightly feature from “The Ten O’Clock News,” to take you through a year of New England weather. During his presentation, he incorporates forecasting models, technology trends, and fascinating video.
Wildflowers of Cape Cod: A Vanishing Heritage
2004, WHOI-V-04-003
Increasing population exerts enormous pressure on our native flora in the form of fertilized lawns, utility lines, non-native and sometimes invasive species, and septic effluent. During his presentation, Mario DiGregorio, founder of the Botanical Club of Cape Cod and the Islands, and author of several natural history books, including A Vanishing Heritage: Wildflowers of Cape Cod, discusses special floral communities and their habitats. He also reviews Cape Cod’s land-use history and current threats to the integrity of our existing stands of beautiful, and often geographically limited, wildflowers.
Shellfish and Nitrogen: A Balancing Act
2004, WHOI-V-04-004
Increasing inputs of land-derived nitrogen have degraded estuarine water quality, potentially changing estuarine features that are important to commercially harvested shellfish. In this video, Ruth Carmichael, a Bostoon University Marine Program biologist, describes her research on the topic, comparing growth, survival, and physiological responses of different shellfish across estuaries receiving different nitrogen loads. Her study has implications for the ecology and stock management of shellfish.
Chasing Cyclones in Coastal Sediments: A 1,000-year Record of Intense Hurricane Strikes in Southeastern New England
2003, WHOI-V-03-001
Little is known about past patterns of intense hurricane activity in Southeastern New England, in part because relatively few intense hurricanes have made landfall there, and because measuring and recording capabilities are fairly recent. Not only do intense hurricanes pose a significant threat to lives and resources in heavily populated regions, they can extensively modify coastal landforms. But did you know that intense hurricane strikes produce a distinctive geologic signature that can be used to reconstruct long-term records of these events? WHOI geologist Jeff Donnelly uncovers our hurricane history in this video.
Rowing Forward, Looking Back
2003, WHOI-V-03-002
Sandy Macfarlane is a well-known Cape Codder, especially in conservation circles. A 30-year stint with the Town of Orleans, Massachusetts &emdash; first as shellfish biologist and later conservation commissioner &emdash; resulted in heaps of hands-on research, experiences, and encounters with fascinating characters, human and otherwise. Her new book, commissioned and published by the Friends of Pleasant Bay, is titled Rowing Forward, Looking Back. In it, Macfarlane shares her perspective on the changes taking place on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, while urging readers to take action before it is change &emdash; irrevocably &emdash; from the place that she has loved since childhood.
Young Scientists Present: Winning High School Science Fair Projects—2003
2003, WHOI-V-03-003
This video features Massachusetts high school students who won top honors in the Falmouth Academy and Falmouth High School science fairs. Speakers and project descriptions are as follows: Paul Heslinga, a freshman at Falmouth Academy, reports on his investigation of the effect of camber on wing performance; Joe Giacomelli, a junior at Falmouth Academy, discusses the circadian rhythm of the bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri; Adam Rago, a senior at Falmouth High School, explains his project on the design and analysis of a motor vehicle event data recorder; and Marley Bice, a Falmouth High School junior, presents her findings on how well the oxygen isotopes of planktonic foraminifera reflect climatic trends off the coast of Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Young Scientists Present: Winning High School Science Fair Projects—2002
2002, WHOI-V-02-001
Return of the Osprey: Author David Gessner on his Recent Book
2002, WHOI-V-02-002
Glacial History and Contaminant Transport on Cape Cod
2002, WHOI-V-02-003
The Jellies vs. the Fish
2001, WHOI-V-01-001
Young Scientists Present: Winning High School Science Fair Projects—2001
2001, WHOI-V-01-003
There’s Something Fishy About That Cranberry Bog!
2001, WHOI-V-01-002
New England Fisheries at a Crossroads: Achieving Sustainability
2000, WHOI-V-00-003
Blue Eyes and Blue Waters: A Giant Bay Scallop Invades Falmouth
2000, WHOI-V-00-002
Young Scientists Present: Winning High School Science Fair Projects—2000
2000, WHOI-V-00-001
Extinction of the Dinosaurs 65 Million Years Ago: Death and Destruction at the End of the Crutaceous Period
1999, WHOI-V-99-003
An Overview of Massachusetts Coastal Landforms: A Slide Tour
1999, WHOI-V-99-002
Young Scientists Present: Winning High School Science Fair Projects—1999
1999, WHOI-V-99-001
Sounds in the Sea: A Special Evening for Families
1998, WHOI-V-98-003
Marine Biomedical Models: White Mice from the Sea
1998, WHOI-V-98-002
Young Scientists Present: Winning High School Science Fair Projects—1998
1998, WHOI-V-98-001
The Science, Art, and Wonder of Seashore Life
Special Lecture in Celebration of “Coastweeks ’98”
1998, WHOI-F-98-001
Science Bloopers and Blunders
1997, WHOI-F-97-003
Science Where You’d Least Expect It: Science for Non-Traditional Audiences
1997, WHOI-F-97-002
Student Science in Falmouth—1997
1997, WHOI-F-97-001
Aquaculture in the Coastal Zone: Private Leases in Public Waters
1996, WHOI-F-96-004
Predicting Shoreline Change: Where Are We, Where Are We Going?
1996, WHOI-F-96-003
Coastal Ponds: Management and Effects of Nutrient Inputs
1996, WHOI-F-96-002
Student Science in Falmouth—1996
1996, WHOI-F-96-001
The Westport Scallop Project: An Example of University and Grass-roots Community Cooperation
April 4, 1995, WHOI-F-95-006
Understanding the Fate of Contaminants in the Coastal Ocean: Massachusetts Bay and Deepwater Dump Site 106
Dr. Brad Butman, USGS, March 28, 1995, WHOI-F-95-005
Student Science in Falmouth—1995
No longer available.
March 21, 1995, WHOI-F-95-004
Biomarkers and Bioassays: Assessing the Risks of Environmental Pollutants
Mark Hahn, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, March 14, 1995, WHOI-F-95-003
Science Under Sail: History of Scientific Voyages
Mary Malloy, Sea Education Association, March 7, 1995, WHOI-F-95-002
Would Your Rather be an Old Maid or a Fisherman’s Wife? Social Impacts of Changing Fisheries
February 28, 1995, WHOI-F-95-001
Look What the Currents Dragged In: Coastal Currents and Their Effect on Marine Debris
Special Lecture in Celebration of “Coastweeks ’94” by Rocky Geyer, WHOI
Sept. 20, 1994, WHOI-F-94-006
The Caspian Sea: Jewel of Two Continents
David Aubrey, April 26, 1994, WHOI-F-94-005
Clams and Climate
April 19, 1994, WHOI-F-94-004
Communications in Whales and Dolphins
Laila Sayigh, Mass Maritime Academy, April 12, 1994, WHOI-F-94-003
Saltwater Fly Fishing for Striped Bass
April 4, 1994, WHOI-F-94-002
Student Science in Falmouth—1994
Falmouth High School and Falmouth Academy Science Fair Winners, March 29, 1994, WHOI-F-94-001
The Maritime Muse: Songs & Poetry of the Sea
April 20, 1993, WHOI-F-93-005
Geology of Cape Cod
April 13, 1993, WHOI-F-93-004
Poisons in Your Seafood: The Myths & Realities of Marine Biotoxins & Red Tides
April 6, 1993, WHOI-F-93-003
Clammy Wynette & the Steamers: Clam Farming on Cape Cod
Molly Benjamin, Cape Cod fisherman and Cape Cod Times columnist, March 30, 1993, WHOI-F-93-002
Student Science in Falmouth—1993
March 23, 1993, WHOI-F-93-001