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The American Lobster Initiative

The Sea Grant American Lobster Initiative, funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant College Program, is addressing critical knowledge gaps about American lobster and its iconic fishery in a dynamic and changing environment. The initiative, which began in 2019, supports both scientific research and a regional Sea Grant extension program in the Northeast U.S.

The seven Northeast Sea Grant Programs have developed a collaborative approach to supporting a regionally coordinated American lobster extension initiative, which will complement and enhance the American Lobster Research Program. More information is available at

WHOI Sea Grant Communication Projects

WHOI Sea Grant developed a series of StoryMap articles about research funded through the American Lobster Initiative.  Focusing on the first 24 projects, WHOI Sea Grant intern Simonne Dodge created six topical groups and developed StoryMaps to give readers the essentials on these projects and the project teams.  The StoryMaps have been well-received by scientists, fishermen, legislators, and culinary organizations and highlighted in issues of the Massachusetts Lobstermen's Association newspaper. The StoryMaps have been compiled into a collection, which is linked below.

WHOI Sea Grant is undertaking a study to determine what aspects of ALI research are of interest to a range of audiences, such as the seafood industry, lobstermen, restaurants, the media, policymakers, etc. The study will investigate not only what topics are of interest, but also what communication products and platforms are most likely to be seen and used by these audiences. In 2025, the project is being pursued by intern Kiran Johnson.

StoryMap Collection: A Fishery in a Sea of Change

Explore these StoryMaps to learn more about "A Fishery in a Sea of Change."