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Managed Retreat

In the coastal environment, managed retreat is a planned, coordinated movement of people, homes, and buildings away from flood and erosion hazards. Because of rising sea levels due to climate change, governments, communities, and homeowners are paying increasing attention to managed retreat from low-lying coastal areas.

Coastal Homeowner Buyout

Climate change is bringing greater hazards to coastal homes, especially in the form of flooding. After repeatedly repairing flood-damaged homes, homeowners may find themselves considering moving out of the flood zone. Federal assistance programs are available for homeowners who currently live in a designated floodplain (delineated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency) and may be interested in relocating. In a buyout program, homeowners and public agencies agree on a sales price to enable homeowners to leave. Several federal agencies offer buyout programs, each with its own set of rules.

To help homeowners better understand their options, on April 21, 2021, Barnstable County held a “Coastal Homeowner Buyout Forum,” which was organized in partnership with the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and Woods Hole Sea Grant and hosted by State Representative Steven Xiarhos, State Senator Susan Moran, and the Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners.

Watch the forum (April 21, 2021)


Links to presentation slides:
Federal Emergency Management Agency
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
US Army Corps of Engineers

Answers to questions that required additional research: Follow-Up Question Information