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The Ocean Enterprise Concept: A National Strategy for Resource Development

The Ocean Enterprise Concept: A National Strategy for Resource Development Ross, D.A., C.E. McLain, and J.E. Dailey Sea Technology, pp. 15-20, 1989 WHOI-R-89-019 In the late 1980’s less than 1% of the annual resources consumed in the United States comes from the sea. Yet the March 1983 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Proclamation by President Ronald…

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Bay State Aquaculture Projects Get Green Light from National Sea Grant Program

Two new grants to the Woods Hole Sea Grant program totaling more than $650,000 will support research aimed at expanding aquaculture production in Massachusetts. The projects won funding as part of a national strategic investment in aquaculture by the NOAA Sea Grant Program. “The United States is one of the world’s leading seafood consumers, yet…

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Woods Hole Sea Grant Awards Funds to Six New Coastal Projects

The Woods Hole Sea Grant program has awarded researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and other Massachusetts academic organizations funds for six new projects. The awards represent a total anticipated research investment of nearly $1.5 million over the next two years from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other non-federal matching funds. “We are proud…

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Diseases, Pests, and Predators of Concern to New England Shellfish Growers

Diseases, Pests, and Predators of Concern to New England Shellfish Growers Walton, W. brochures, 2005 WHOI-H-05-002, 003, and 004 Also available as PDF files by clicking on the topic of interest: diseases, pests, predators If you are a shellfish grower, harvester, or resource manager, you are well aware that diseases, pests, and predators are issues…

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Citizen Science: Improving Water Quality in Waquoit Bay

Citizen Science: Improving Water Quality in Waquoit Bay By Dr. Nicole Millette Nicole Millette in the lab March 2018 – Nutrient pollution, particularly nitrogen, is a widespread problem in coastal waters, and a vexing issue for environmental managers as well as those living near these waters. As a Sea Grant-funded Postdoctoral Fellow in Marine Policy,…

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Sea Grant 2019 Aquaculture Funding Opportunities

The National Sea Grant College Program (NSGCP) has announced three federal funding opportunities (FFOs) to advance U.S. aquaculture for FY2019. Two of the three require a Sea Grant partner in order to submit the proposal for funding consideration from the NSGCP.  The third FFO does not require a Sea Grant partner, however, WHSG is willing to…

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