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Updrift Migration of Tidal Inlets

Updrift Migration of Tidal Inlets Aubrey, D.G. and P.E. Speer Journal of Geology, Vol. 92, pp. 531-545, 1984 WHOI-R-84-009 Migration of tidal inlets and the associated changes in adjacent barrier beaches have profound implications on both the geological evolution of inlet/estuary systems and the short-term stability of these features. Past studies have documented many instances…

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Recent Global Sea Levels and Land Levels

Recent Global Sea Levels and Land Levels Aubrey, D.G. and K.O. Emery In: Warrick, R.A., E.M. Barrow, and T.M.L. Wigley (eds.), Climate and Sea Level Change: Observations, Projections and Implications, Proceedings Climate Change Workshop, Norwich, U.K. Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-56, 1993 WHOI-R-93-015

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Shellfish Diseases: Current Concerns in the Northeast: Proceedings of a Sea Grant-supported Workshop Held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on February 26, 1987

Shellfish Diseases: Current Concerns in the Northeast: Proceedings of a Sea Grant-supported Workshop Held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on February 26, 1987 Helpful to educators and students Only available on loan from the National Sea Grant Library White, A.W. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report No. WHOI-87-13, 38 pp., 1987 WHOI-W-87-001

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Bringing a Week of Marine Conservation Back Home

Ella Niederhelman describes her experiences in the Girls in Science program last summer. From analyzing data in the lab to time on the water spent collecting it, “I had an extraordinary opportunity,” she writes. And then she brought what she learned back home with her.

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