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Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Post Notification Forms

Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Post-Notification Information (Applies to Fellowship Awardees Only)   Notification   Fellows will be notified at the beginning of 2024. Funds will be awarded annually at the beginning of the Fellow’s first and second academic year, depending on funding availability. In addition, Fellows must remain in good academic standing as…

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Food Webs

Food Webs Background Food webs are dynamic and complex. Species in each trophic or feeding level rely on their prey base and in turn are critically important to the organisms that feed on them. Energy travels through the food web and steadily decreases with each trophic level it passes through as some is used for…

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1990-2000 Fisheries & Aquaculture Overview

Snapshot WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in fisheries and aquaculture has resulted in the development of better management practices and policies for shellfish harvest and shellfish aquaculture and better understanding of the life history and environmental requirements of commercially important species of fish and shellfish. Background In Massachusetts, the fishing and aquaculture industries are tightly entwined…

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Theme Booklet: Fisheries and Aquaculture

Theme Booklet: Fisheries and Aquaculture WHOI Sea Grant 4 pp., 2000 WHOI-G-00-004 Learn more of WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in fisheries and aquaculture which has resulted in the development of better management practices and policies for shellfish harvest and shellfish aquaculture and better understanding of the life history and environmental requirements of commercially important species…

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On the Optimal Environmental Liability Limit for Marine Oil Transport

On the Optimal Environmental Liability Limit for Marine Oil Transport Jin, D. and H.L. Kite-Powell Transportation Research Part E, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 35, pp. 77-100, 1999 WHOI-R-99-001 Recent changes in the U.S. liability regime for oil pollution damage have intensified a policy debate about environmental liability limits. This paper focuses specifically on tanker shipping…

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