20th Annual State of Wellfleet Harbor Conference Held
Once a year for the last twenty years, the residents of Wellfleet and their neighbors from nearby towns have been invited to learn about the latest science and current issues affecting the health, ecology and resources of Wellfleet Harbor and its surrounding waters. The meeting was moderated by Abigail Archer, with WHOI Sea Grant/Cape Cod Cooperative Extension.
For the past 10 years, Abigail Archer, extension agent with WHOI Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, has moderated the meeting. This year's meeting was hybrid -- in-person and virtual.
The goals of the conference are to inform citizens and hear their concerns and questions about the health of the Harbor – input that can be used to guide future research.
After two years of meeting virtually, this year’s conference, held November 5, 2022, was a hybrid of in-person and virtual attendance -- with about 60 people attending in the Wellfleet Adult Educational Center and about 20 attending via Zoom to hear presentations focused on the latest science and current issues affecting the health, ecology and resources of Wellfleet Harbor and its surrounding waters.
Five researchers and project managers updated attendees on the topics of winter flounder, the Herring River restoration project, septic systems and water quality, and thin layer sediment placement to enhance salt marsh resilience to climate change. The conference was recorded and can be viewed at: https://reflect-townofwellfleet.cablecast.tv/CablecastPublicSite/show/1295?channel=1