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Coastal Impacts

WHOI Sea Grant Newsletter

From the Director

WHOI Sea Grant relies on input from a variety of sources to determine the most pressing marine and coastal environmental issues facing our region. Key among them is our Marine Outreach Guidance Group (MOGG) – an advisory board that includes representatives from academia, industry, tribes, education, media, and …

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WHOI Sea Grant Research Program Wants Your Input

What coastal and marine issues are most pressing to you? The WHOI Sea Grant Research Program wants to know! As part of our mission to enhance the practical use and conservation of coastal and marine resources, WHOI Sea Grant funds…

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Cultivating the Future of Shellfish Farming

On a perfect mid-August afternoon, Todd Gelinas and Adrian Wallace motor their work skiff back to a small beach at the end of Tonset Road in Orleans. Newly-minted business partners, they are returning from tending oysters at Stony Island Farm …

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Massachusetts Sea Grant Fellows Focus in on Blue Crabs and Coastal Jellyfish

MIT Sea Grant and WHOI Sea Grant jointly announce two new Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellows In 2021, MIT Sea Grant and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Sea Grant announced a new fellowship program to support Massachusetts graduate students…

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Wicked Good Education: National Marine Educators Come to Boston

WHOI Sea Grant Education Specialist Grace Simpkins has had a busy year.  When the National Marine Educators Association decided to hold its annual meeting in Boston in 2024, Grace and her colleagues on the board of the Massachusetts chapter sprang…

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Diving into Confidence: My O-STEAM Fellowship Experience

Questions swirled in my head: “Am I qualified enough? Will my application stand out? What if I don’t get accepted?” As I sat down to revise my O-STEAM application for the last time, a wave of anxiety washed over me.

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Q&A with Knauss Fellow Jori Barley

A graduate of UMass Amherst, Jori Barley is a 2024 Knauss Fellow in the NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR). One of NOAA Sea Grant’s most high-profile fellowship, the John A. Knauss Fellowship provides a one-year, paid experience…

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More than 46 Tons of Plastic Shrink Wrap Diverted from the Waste Stream Thanks to Cape-wide Shrink Wrap Recycling Program

July 31, 2024 – Cape Cod and boating go hand in hand in the summer. In the off-season, many of those boats are covered in plastic shrink wrap to protect them from the elements, and when they are unwrapped in…

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Conversation Series Highlights WHOI Sea Grant Research Program

This spring, WHOI Sea Grant kicked off a new “Conversation Series” to showcase the work done through our funded research program.  Organized by Research Coordinator Jennie Rheuban and Communications Specialist Poonam Narotam, the informal presentations engage audiences in topical discussions…

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Program Highlights

Building Resilience on Cape Cod

In June, WHOI Sea Grant’s Coastal and Communications teams organized and/or sponsored a dozen events under the banner of Cape Cod Coastal Resilience Week 2024. With the aim of educating the public about the risks caused by storms and a changing climate, the teams sought to improve our resilience as individuals, communities…

Featured in Oceanography Magazine

This spring Oceanography magazine issued a special edition highlighting the work of the National Sea Grant network on topics ranging from coastal hazards, to aquatic invasive species, to marine debris. WHOI Sea Grant’s research coordinator Jennie Rheuban co-authored an article, Sea Grant Network Contributions to Ocean and Coastal Acidification Response, which draws attention to the…

Site Review: Public Comments Sought

Public Comments Sought for WHOI Sea Grant Review The deadline for submitting comments is Monday, January 27, 2025. WHOI Sea Grant will be reviewed on February 4-6, 2025 by a team convened by the National Sea Grant College Program. The review will be conducted at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and will consider all aspects…

Ocean Encounters

This spring, WHOI Sea Grant’s Floodplain manager Shannon Hulst was a featured panelist in WHOI’s Ocean Encounters series. The live Zoom conversation called “Rising Seas, Resilient Coasts,” which reached an audience of 2000 viewers, also included Chris Piecuch, a WHOI sea level scientist and Hannah Wagner, the resilience manager for the City of Boston in…

Upcoming Events


Next Conversation Series: Shuck and Learn, September 18, at 5:30 pm, at Aquatic Brewing, Falmouth. Grab a pint as Torrance Hanley (Sacred Heart University), Loretta Fernandez (Northeastern University) and Jesús Pineda (WHOI) discuss the latest research in shellfish aquaculture: what you should know about environmental stressors and barnacle biofouling!
More details and registration


Martha's Vineyard Coastal Conference! Mark your calendar for October 1, 2024. This year's theme is "Building Coastal Resilience." The conference will be held at the Martha's Vineyard Film Society in Vineyard Haven.
» More details and registration

Donate to WHOI Sea Grant

Click the donation link on the WHOI Sea Grant website and directly support the program's important coastal research, extension, and education. We thank you in advance!

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