Slideshow: A School Field Trip to Cuttyhunk Island
On June 4 Woods Hole Sea Grant Educator Grace Simpkins traveled to Cuttyhunk Island, the outermost of the Elizabeth Island chain south of Woods Hole, to talk about bioacoustics with the only student in the island's one-room schoolhouse -- graduating 8th grader Gwen Lynch , as well as 6th graders on a field trip from Old Hammondtown School in Mattapoisett, Mass. There were so many amazing field trip stations including osprey observations, geology walks, Cuttyhunk history, saltmarsh exploration, aquaculture on Cuttyhunk, flora & fauna of Cuttyhunk and more! The visit was part of the COAST program, co-sponsored by WHSG and NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Thanks to the Mattapoisett Land Trust for sponsoring the trip and the Cuttyhunk School for organizing!