Source-Sink Dynamics and Habitat Modeling of Northern Sand Lance on Stellwagen Bank and Nantucket Shoals
Principal Investigator
Joel Llopiz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Co-Principal Investigators
Rubao Ji, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Martha Hauff, Stonehill College
Hannes Baumann, University of Connecticut
This team of biologists seeks to address the lack of knowledge on the ecological role of the northern sand lance in the Gulf of Maine. Ecological hotspots off Massachusetts’s shores such as the Nantucket Shoals region and Stellwagen Bank are critical foraging grounds for such iconic marine species such as humpback whales, bluefin tuna, and cod, and the sand lance is one reason these hotspots exist. As management efforts are increasingly directed towards entire ecosystems rather than single species, focused research on the more influential components of these ecosystems, such as sand lance, can provide a major contribution.
Project Information
Started: February 2018
Funded under: Biennial Request for Proposals
Relevant Links
Fisheries Oceanography and Larval Fish Ecology Lab at WHOI
Evolutionary Fish Ecology Lab at UConn