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Insights on Coastal Resilience and the Future from the 2023 Islands Conference

By Stephanie Murphy | August 23, 2023 | Comments Off on Insights on Coastal Resilience and the Future from the 2023 Islands Conference

“A world without ice sheets? Is this our future?” These were questions posed in June at the Islands Conference on Nantucket by keynote speaker Sarah Das, a physical oceanographer at WHOI. Sea level rise – the result of warming water and melting glaciers – is a global concern but holds heightened significance to those living…

Safeguarding Shores: Training Conservation Agents in Wetland Boundary Delineation

By Stephanie Murphy | August 22, 2023 | Comments Off on Safeguarding Shores: Training Conservation Agents in Wetland Boundary Delineation

Each year in Massachusetts, dozens of wetlands are threatened by development projects that, if permitted, could degrade their functions. Wetlands provide food and habitat for fish and wildlife, improve water quality and help control flooding and shoreline erosion. Determining if a project is in a wetland is an important step in permitting a project, and…

Unleashing Curiosity at the Woods Hole Science Stroll

By Stephanie Murphy | August 21, 2023 | Comments Off on Unleashing Curiosity at the Woods Hole Science Stroll

This month, WHOI Sea Grant had the opportunity to participate in the Woods Hole Science Stroll, an outdoor event involving all the Woods Hole science organizations. Nearly 2000 people passed through the tents to explore highlighting our work in shellfish aquaculture, storms, erosion, flooding, as well as education and outreach. WHOI Sea Grant Director Matt…

Ocean STEAM-Powered Women in Woods Hole

By Stephanie Murphy | August 20, 2023 | Comments Off on Ocean STEAM-Powered Women in Woods Hole

Ten young women interested in exploring ocean science arrived in Woods Hole on August 6, 2023 to spend a week conducting bioacoustic research with WHOI biologist Laela Sayigh and investigating different marine Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) careers. They are now amongst a group of 60 high-school aged young women in Massachusetts who…

Applications Now Being Accepted for MA Graduate Research Fellowship

By Stephanie Murphy | August 19, 2023 | Comments Off on Applications Now Being Accepted for MA Graduate Research Fellowship

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant (WHOISG) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant (MITSG) are pleased to jointly invite qualified individuals to apply for the Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship. The purpose of this Fellowship is to support exceptional prospective graduate students who are engaged in coastal and marine research that furthers the…

Intern Olivia Hooper: Extending a Hand

By Stephanie Murphy | August 17, 2023 | Comments Off on Intern Olivia Hooper: Extending a Hand

There’s no better way to learn about the WHOI Sea Grant Extension Program than to jump in and help. Massachusetts Maritime Academy senior Olivia Hooper spent six months interning with WHOI Sea Grant marine extension team members Abigail Archer and Josh Reitsma and research coordinator Jennie Rheuban, immersing herself in a range of water quality,…

Q&A with Knauss Fellow Sophia Ly

By Stephanie Murphy | August 17, 2023 | Comments Off on Q&A with Knauss Fellow Sophia Ly

WHOI Sea Grant wanted to get to know 2023 Knauss Fellow Sophia Ly better and learn how her Knauss Fellowship year is going. Check out our Q&A with her!

WHOI Sea Grant to Map Potential Path of Proposed Wastewater Release from Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

By Stephanie Murphy | May 24, 2023 | Comments Off on WHOI Sea Grant to Map Potential Path of Proposed Wastewater Release from Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Sea Grant has been recommended for rapid response funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Sea Grant Program to study the pathways of circulation in Cape Cod Bay. This study is designed to shed light on the possible fate of 1.1 million gallons of radioactive wastewater from the…

Recreational Anglers Get Hooked on Striped Bass Research

By Stephanie Murphy | May 24, 2023 | Comments Off on Recreational Anglers Get Hooked on Striped Bass Research

Catch and release is a popular fishing technique used by some anglers to keep the fish population sustainable. But what happens to the fish after it has been released? A study funded by WHOI Sea Grant, led by Dr. Andy Danylchuk and his lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst aims to fill an important…

Return of the River Herring

By Stephanie Murphy | May 24, 2023 | Comments Off on Return of the River Herring

When an internationally roving sculpture named “Happy Fish” migrated to the Town Brook in April, WHOI Sea Grant’s Fisheries & Aquaculture Specialist – and famous river herring enthusiast –  Abigail Archer was on hand to greet it. “I love when art can be used to help people get excited about science and observing the natural…