Leaping for Atlantic salmon: Protecting endangered species
Sarah Bailey, NOAA’s Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office in Orono, ME
Once found as far south as Long Island Sound, today only the state of Maine still has wild runs of endangered Atlantic salmon. In Orono, Maine, NOAA Fisheries has a collection of Researchers, Engineers, and Managers that all work toward saving these fish and the ecosystems that support them. If you have ever wondered about how science helps support how we manage a species-tune in! (Grades 2-6 but all ages will enjoy)
Resources to access at home:
» Northeast Fisheries Science Center: Salmon Team: This is the Northeast Salmon Team website and has important information about the work being done by the group.
» NOAA Species in the Spotlight video on Atlantic salmon.
» Sea-Run, Go! Wild Atlantic salmon app for classrooms and home. After watching Sarah’s webinar you are ready to play! This activity comes with Sea-Run, Go! QR cards that you print out and place around your house! Tape the QR codes up around your house or yard and then have your child play through the app. They go through 11 challenges (QR codes) and get points. They can even compete with their friends (that do the challenges at their own houses).
» U.S. Fish and Wildlife: Teaching kids about fish migration. There is a fun lesson, “Designing fish-friendly culverts (and bridges)” lesson for grades 5-8.
» U.S. Fish and Wildlife: Environmental education resources for teachers, parents, and kids. Activities range from the “ABCs of fishing” coloring book, word searches, migration station, and more.