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NOAA’s Nose Knows: A day in the life of a Seafood Inspector

March 24, 2021

NOAA’s Seafood Inspection Facility in Long Beach, CA

What does fresh, high-quality, safe-to-eat fish smell like? How does it make its way from the ocean to your dinner plate? Come with us as we follow some of your favorite seafood off a fishing boat, into a processing facility, and through the hands of a NOAA Seafood Inspector. Help us inspect seafood live from NOAA’s inspection laboratory in Long Beach, California, and learn some tips and tricks for inspecting your dinner, too! This NOAA Live! Webinar is part of our NOAA Open House Series during which we will “travel” (virtually) across the country to showcase some of the amazing places our NOAA scientists, engineers, educators, technicians, and interns work.

Resources to access at home:

» Contact Your Local Seafood Inspection Office
» Find out what makes U.S. seafood sustainable and get up-to-date information on the status of some of the fish harvested and farmed in the U.S.
» Seafood Commerce & Certification Site: There are several feature stories about seafood testing, the seafood inspection services portal where people sign up for an inspection and more
» NOAA Fisheries: Fun Facts about Luscious Lobsters. This includes “If lobsters mole, why have I never seen a cast-off shell”, “How old is a one-pound lobster”, “What color is a lobster’s blood”, and more!
» Virtually explore the deep sea by scrolling down to discover which animals and plant life live at which depths in the oceans.

March 2021 Open House Series