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Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments

Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments Beaches and dunes are in constant motion, continually changing shape and shifting position in response to winds, waves, tides, relative sea level, and human activities. The most significant changes occur seasonally and following storms.

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The Little Fish with a Big Impact

In the Gulf of Maine, there’s a little eel-like fish not much bigger than a large pencil, that buries itself in the sand in the summer and swims up and down in the water column in the spring and fall. It’s called a sand lance and it’s incredibly important to the ecosystem of the Gulf of Maine. If you like whale watching, this little fish is the biggest reason you might or might not see a whale:

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