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Hurricanes Though it has been 30 years since the last major hurricane struck the Massachusetts coast, hurricanes can be devastating and they can happen here! Be smart and prepare yourself, your family and your home to minimize losses from a hurricane. Preparing for a Hurricane in New England *From Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for…
Read MoreMicrosatellite DNA Markers Indicate a High Frequency of Multiple Paternity within Individual Field-collected Egg Capsules of the Squid Loligo pealed
Microsatellite DNA Markers Indicate a High Frequency of Multiple Paternity within Individual Field-collected Egg Capsules of the Squid Loligo pealed Buresch, K.M., R.T. Hanlon, M.R. Maxwell, and S. Ring Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 210, pp. 161-165, 2001 WHOI-R-01-010
Read MoreChanges in the Metal Content of Surficial Sediments of Boston Harbor Since the Cessation of Sludge Discharge
Changes in the Metal Content of Surficial Sediments of Boston Harbor Since the Cessation of Sludge Discharge Zago, C., A.E. Giblin, and A. Bergamasco Elsevier, Marine Environmental Research, Vol. 51, pp. 389-415, 2001 WHOI-R-01-004
Read MoreDGGE-based Detection Method for Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX)
DGGE-based Detection Method for Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX) Gast, R.J., E. Cushman, D.M. Moran, K.R. Uhlinger, D. Leavitt, and R. Smolowitz Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Vol. 70, pp. 115-122, 2006 WHOI-R-06-003
Read MoreFemale Reproductive Output in the Squid Loligo pealed: Multiple Egg Clutches and Implications for a Spawning Strategy
Female Reproductive Output in the Squid Loligo pealed: Multiple Egg Clutches and Implications for a Spawning Strategy Maxwell, M.R. and R.T. Hanlon Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 199, pp. 159-170, 2000 WHOI-R-00-014
Read MoreChina Sea Coastal and Marine Nonfuel Minerals: Investigation and Development
China Sea Coastal and Marine Nonfuel Minerals: Investigation and Development Hoagland, P., J. Yang, J.M. Broadus, and D.K.Y. Chu In: Marsh, J.B. (ed.), Resources and Environment in Asia’s Marine Sector, Taylor & Francis, New York, pp. 219-275, 1992 WHOI-R-92-010
Read MorePerformance Requirements in Ocean Mineral Development
Performance Requirements in Ocean Mineral Development Hoagland, P. Marine Policy Reports, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 5-10, 1987 WHOI-R-87-001
Read MoreBay State Aquaculture Projects Get Green Light from National Sea Grant Program
Two new grants to the Woods Hole Sea Grant program totaling more than $650,000 will support research aimed at expanding aquaculture production in Massachusetts. The projects won funding as part of a national strategic investment in aquaculture by the NOAA Sea Grant Program. “The United States is one of the world’s leading seafood consumers, yet…
Read MoreSalt Marshes: Biological Controls of Food Webs in a Diminishing Environment
Salt Marshes: Biological Controls of Food Webs in a Diminishing Environment Valiela, I., D. Rutecki, and S. Fox Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 300, pp. 131-159, 2004 WHOI-R-04-003
Read MoreCaribbean Coastal and Marine Tourism: Coping with Climate Change and Its Associated Effects
Caribbean Coastal and Marine Tourism: Coping with Climate Change and Its Associated Effects Gable, F.J. In: Miller M.L. and J. Auyong (eds.), Proceedings of the 1990 Congress on Coastal and Marine Tourism. A Symposium and Workshop on Balancing Conservation and Economic Development, Honolulu, Hawaii — 25-31 May 1990, Vol. I, pp. 248-255, 1990 WHOI-R-90-019
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