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Study Provides Measurement of Nitrogen Removal by Local Shellfish

Towns along Cape Cod and the Islands are looking to shellfish not only as tasty culinary treats, but also for help cleaning up waters degraded by excess nitrogen in the region. While nitrogen is essential for all plants and animals, too much nitrogen in ponds and waterways—often caused by fertilizer runoff and septic tanks—can fuel…

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Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management

Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management Soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, are an enigma to scientists, managers, and shellfish harvesters in southeastern Massachusetts and throughout the bivalve’s range. One year, clams may settle in very dense concentrations, while, the following year, there may be no soft-shell clam recruitment at the…

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Tidal Velocity Asymmetries and Bedload Transport in Shallow Embayments

Tidal Velocity Asymmetries and Bedload Transport in Shallow Embayments Fry, V. and D.G. Aubrey Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 30, pp. 453-473, 1990 WHOI-R-90-008 Tidal circulation can cause a net transport of sediment when the tidal velocity is asymmetric about a zero mean (flood or ebb dominant) and the sediment transport rate is related…

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