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Ocean Enterprises: The Ocean and the Economy in the 1990’s

Ocean Enterprises: The Ocean and the Economy in the 1990’s Ross, D.A., J. Fenwick, M.A. Champ, and R. Knecht In: Halsey, S.D. and R.B. Abel (eds.), Coastal Ocean Space Utilization. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coastal Ocean Space Utilization, Elsevier Press, pp. 369-371, 1990 WHOI-R-90-006 In the late 1980’s, less than 1% of the…

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Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Post Notification Forms

Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship Post-Notification Information (Applies to Fellowship Awardees Only)   Notification   Fellows will be notified at the beginning of 2024. Funds will be awarded annually at the beginning of the Fellow’s first and second academic year, depending on funding availability. In addition, Fellows must remain in good academic standing as…

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The following videos are available in DVD by emailing and via YouTube as we upload them. Oceans Alive 2008 “Whale Detection System Help Prevent Ship Strikes” featuring John Kemp, Mooring Operation & Engineering group, WHOI Oceans Alive 2007 DVD, 2007 WHOI-V-07-002 This DVD includes the presentations from the 2007 “Oceans Alive” lecture series. Presentations…

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On the Selection of Aquaculture Species: A Case Study of Marine Molluscs

On the Selection of Aquaculture Species: A Case Study of Marine Molluscs Mann, R. Aquaculture, Vol. 39, pp. 345-353, 1984 WHOI-R-84-004 An overview of marine mollusc culture in the Pacific Ocean reveals a rich variety of species in culture, physical environments where culture is effected, and technological, social, and economic backgrounds of participating individuals. Despite…

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