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Ocean Enterprises: The Ocean and the Economy in the 1990’s

Ocean Enterprises: The Ocean and the Economy in the 1990’s Ross, D.A., J. Fenwick, M.A. Champ, and R. Knecht In: Halsey, S.D. and R.B. Abel (eds.), Coastal Ocean Space Utilization. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coastal Ocean Space Utilization, Elsevier Press, pp. 369-371, 1990 WHOI-R-90-006 In the late 1980’s, less than 1% of the…

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The Kelp Forests of New England

New England isn’t known for its kelp forests the way California and other parts of the world are. But the truth is, below the surface of both inshore and offshore waters throughout New England, especially in areas that have rocky bottoms and a lot of wave action, there are “lush rolling meadows of kelp,” according…

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Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments

Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments Beaches and dunes are in constant motion, continually changing shape and shifting position in response to winds, waves, tides, relative sea level, and human activities. The most significant changes occur seasonally and following storms.

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The Ocean Enterprise Concept: A National Strategy for Resource Development

The Ocean Enterprise Concept: A National Strategy for Resource Development Ross, D.A., C.E. McLain, and J.E. Dailey Sea Technology, pp. 15-20, 1989 WHOI-R-89-019 In the late 1980’s less than 1% of the annual resources consumed in the United States comes from the sea. Yet the March 1983 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Proclamation by President Ronald…

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