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April 2021 Coastal Impacts Newsletter

  Coastal Impacts Woods Hole Sea Grant Newsletter APRIL 2021 CONTENTS Letter from the Director Partnership Invests $1M+ into Research on the Co-existence of Ocean Energy with Fishing and Coastal Communities Popular NOAA Live! Series Continues through June 9 Summer Program Trains the Next Generation of Women Scientists Getting Local Seafood to Those in Need…

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Suggested Educational Resources For Use During School Closures

Educational resources used during school closures Woods Hole Sea Grant is pleased to be able to provide this list of educational resources to assist families and teachers with ideas and on-line programming for use during the unique school situations in response to COVID-19. IMPORTANT: Please check with state and/or local officials for the latest information…

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New Coastal Monitoring Website Inventories Citizen Science Projects

Communities Tracking Coastal Change Website Helps Public Participate in Science As coastal communities continue to experience the impacts of increased storms, flooding and sea level rise, public participation in monitoring that change is more important than ever. And, when readily available technologies such as the cell phone in your pocket can serve as a data…

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Focal Points – Evaluation of Coastal Erosion Hazards: Results from a National Study and a Massachusetts Perspective

Focal Points – Evaluation of Coastal Erosion Hazards: Results from a National Study and a Massachusetts Perspective August 20010 – While it may not be surprising to learn that coastal property owners — particularly those with property located within a few hundred feet from shore — face risks from flooding, a recent study found that,…

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Administrative Discretion in the Management of Outer Continental Shelf Minerals

Administrative Discretion in the Management of Outer Continental Shelf Minerals Hoagland, P. In: Farrow. R.S. (ed.), Managing the Outer Continental Shelf Lands: Oceans of Controversy. Ocean Policy Studies, 18 pp., 1991 WHOI-R-91-003 Mineral developers face varying kinds of risks and uncertainties associated with the exploration, development, and production of minerals from a marine deposit. These…

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