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Some Determinants of Maturation in Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis

Some Determinants of Maturation in Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis McCormick, S.D. and R.J. Naiman Aquaculture, Vol. 43, pp. 269-278, 1984 WHOI-R-84-019 Size, age, growth rate and photoperiod (the controlling effects of the length of the day on phenomena such as reproductive cycles in mammals, migration patterns in birds, flowering in plants) were examined for their…

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State of Wellfleet Harbor Conference Planned

The annual State of Wellfleet Harbor Conference opens this Saturday, November 6 from 10-11:15 a.m., the first of three live Saturday webinars this month. The conference is free and all are welcome. Woods Hole Sea Grant Fisheries and Aquaculture Specialist Abigail Archer is a moderator for the conference. This Saturday, Owen Nichols with the Center…

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Storms, Erosion, Flooding

Storms, Erosion, Flooding Seventy-five percent of the population of Massachusetts lives in coastal counties and our coasts provide an even greater number of people a wide range of economic, social, and recreational opportunities. Competing uses of our coastline can result in conflicts between the protection of waterfront upland property and the preservation of the beneficial…

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On the Optimal Environmental Liability Limit for Marine Oil Transport

On the Optimal Environmental Liability Limit for Marine Oil Transport Jin, D. and H.L. Kite-Powell Transportation Research Part E, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 35, pp. 77-100, 1999 WHOI-R-99-001 Recent changes in the U.S. liability regime for oil pollution damage have intensified a policy debate about environmental liability limits. This paper focuses specifically on tanker shipping…

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